Links we Like
Montessori Books and Journals
Maria Montessori: A Biography, by Rita Kramer
Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, by E. M. Standing
Nurturing the Spirit In Non-Sectarian Classrooms, by Aline Wolfe
Montessori: The Science behind the Genius, Angeline Stoll Lillard
Montessori Life Magazine , published by the American Montessori Society
Tomorrow's Child, published by the Montessori Foundation
The NAMTA Journal
Deep Thinkers and Visionaries
What Are Schools For?: Holistic Education in American Culture, by Ron Miller
The Sense of Wonder, Rachel Carson
A Sand County Almanac (Outdoor essays and Reflections), by Aldo Leopold
Ken Robinson, TED Talk, "Bring on the Revolution"
Informative Websites
American Montessori Society
North American Montessori Teacher's Association
Minnesota Montessori Network